Order by Paweł Karol Sanguszko in the dispute between the land elder of Opatów and the Jews of Opatów

In the light of the Jews of Opatów failing to back up their claims with evidence, Paweł Karol Sanguszko rules Opatów is still to have only one land elder. On another point, he rules that Opatów kahal has the right the send their delegates to the Jewish assembly.

Archive: The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw, The National Archives in Krakow
Fond: Archive of Sanguszko family, Archiwum Gospodarcze Wilanowskie
Reference Number: ANKr, ASang. 441, 13/4, s. 1551-1574 [kopia]., AGAD, Archiwum Gospodarcze Wilanowskie, Administracja Dóbr Opatowskich, I-21, s. 2-18.
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 13.02.1745
Place of origin: Kolbuszowa
Geographical names: Kolbuszowa, Opatow, Trembowla
Published: Sejm Czterech Ziem. Źródła, do druku przygotowali J. Goldberg i A. Kaźmierczyk, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2011, s. 352, 353.