Account by a Lublin beadle on the putting of Lewko Lazarowicz, a Jew from Białaczów at a delay by the Crown elders

The court beadle, Adam Krawcowicz, together with the witnesses Andrzej Skąpski and Stanisław Białkowski, reported to the Lublin castle court records that, despite having made the promise, the Crown elders gathered in Lublin did not settle the dispute between the plaintiff, Lewko Lazarowicz, a Jew from Białaczów in Piotr Kochanowski,  and Judka Jakub and Mendel Jakub, Jews from Poznań, concerning a failure to comply with the contract, thereby exposing the plaintiff to unnecessary delay and costs.

Archive: The State Archive in Lublin
Fond: Lublin castle court files (Księgi grodzkie lubelskie)
Reference Number: APL, CLRMO 55, s. 82v, 83r
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 28.03.1625
Place of origin: Lublin
Geographical names: Lublin, Poznan (Poznań)

Do akt grodzkich lubelskich podał w Wielki piątek 28 III 1625 r. woźny grodzki lubelski Adam Krawcowicz. Regest: Materiały źródłowe do dziejów Żydów w księgach grodzkich lubelskich z doby panowania Zygmunta III Wazy, opr. H. Gmiterek, Lublin 2014, s. 154, nr 862.