Reply by the Opatów land elder to the claims of the Jewish townspeople

Haszkiel Jeleniowicz, a land elder of Opatów, refutes the claims made by some Opatów Jews. He states, among others, that other towns also observe a custom according to which land elders convene with the kahal elders. Opatów has always had only one land elder, and this elder always attends the congress of the Four Lands’ Council and assemblies of the Crown elders, receiving the invitation to these meetings from Crown scribes and the Treasurer of the Crown. From the Cracow-Sandomierz only two delegates are sent, rather than all their land elders.

Archive: The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw
Fond: Archive of Sanguszko family
Reference Number: ANKr, ASang. 441, 13/4, p. 1537-1544
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 1745 - 13.02.1745
Place of origin: Kolbuszowa
Geographical names: Brody, Cracow (Kraków), Grodno, Kolbuszowa, Leszno, Lviv (Lwów), Mielec, Opatow, Ostroh (Ostróg), Pińczów, Poznan (Poznań), Radom, Tarnow, Warsaw (Warszawa), Wroclaw (Wrocław), Zhovkva (Ukraine)

before 13 II 1745

Published: Sejm Czterech Ziem. Źródła, do druku przygotowali J. Goldberg i A. Kaźmierczyk, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2011, s. 348-352