Lawsuit for the Volhynian land elders in the case of the Jews from Beresteczko

Piotr Karczewski, the Castellan of Łęczyca and Konary, and the Jewish community from Beresteczko sue: Lejba Szmujłowicz, the rabbi of Krzemieniec, Szawel Jakubowicz, the rabbi of Wodzimierz, Bunia, a Jew from Krzemieniec, the elders of Volhynian Jews, to the Tax Tribunal of Radom for the overburdening of the kahal in Beresteczko and a failure to enforce the Tribunal’s decree of the 18th June 1749, in which the Ruthenian, Volhynian and Podolian synagogues were ordered to apply the reduced rate, and also on the issue of taking loans in the name of a community for one own’s use.

Archive: Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv
Fond: Archive of Zamoyski family (Fond 256)
Reference Number: CGIA Kijów, Fond 256, op.1, sp. 130, s. 47r-48v
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 10.04.1751
Place of origin: Krzemieniec, Radom
Geographical names: Berestechko, Kremenets, Radom, Volhynia

Ekstrakt z akt grodzkich krzemienienieckich z 4 V 1751 r. Na odwrocie wzmianka o nałożonej infamii w dn. 14 VI 1751 r.

Microfilm: The Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People (CAHJP), Jerusalem, HM2/7297.10