Supplication by Zelman Aronowicz concerning the Jewish self-government of Podolia

Zelman Aronowicz on behalf of the "synagogue of the entire Podolian voivodeship" complains that because of its incorporation into the Ruthenian self-government they are suffering losses, and in addition they had their money stolen by the rabbi of Żwaniec. He asks on behalf of the self-government to be separated from the Ruthenian self-government, and he also pleads that Jewish assemblies should take place in the estates of Adam Sieniawski. He also proposes that the bills of the self-government be checked by the rabbi of the city where the assembly will be held.

Archive: The Czartoryski Library in Krakow
Reference Number: BC 8419, t.I, s. 35
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 12.07.1717
Place of origin: Międzybóż
Geographical names: Lubar, Medzhybizh, Podolia (Podole), Zhvanets

From page 11 "Sprawy, supliki w dobrach do Międzyboża należących rozeznane a die 12 Julii 1717 m w Międzybożu", no. 53

Zelman Aronowicz prosi również prywatnie o ochronę przed Jerzym Dominikiem Lubomirskim podkomorzym kor., z którego miasta (Lubar) przeniósł się do Międzyboża