Uniwersal by Jan Mikołaj Daniłowicz, Treasurer of the Crown, to the elders of the Crown Jews

Grand Treasurer of the Clown, Jan Mikołaj Daniłowicz, orders the elders of the Crown Jews to pay the first installment of the Jewish poll tax in the amount of to 40,000 zlotys as approved by the Sejm. The first installment is due in Warsaw on the 18th of May, and the second, amounting to 20,000 zlotys, is due at the commission of Lwow
Archive: The State Archive in Lublin
Fond: Lublin castle court files (Księgi grodzkie lubelskie)
Reference Number: APL CLRMO 70, s. 371r–371v
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 07.04.1642
Place of origin: Warszawa
Geographical names: Lviv (Lwów), Warsaw (Warszawa)
Uniwersał oblatował w dn. 26 V 1642 r. w aktach grodzkich lubelskich Stefan Sługocki. Regest: Gmiterek, vol. III, nr 368. Published: Sejm Czterech Ziem. Źródła, Wyd. A.Kaźmierczyk, J.Goldberg, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2011, p. 67