Universal by King Sigismund III on leasing the poll tax to Crown elders

King Sigismund III announces the Jewish poll tax as approved by the Sejm of Warsaw, had been leased by the King to the elders of the Crown Jews for 20 thousand zlotys. The money is to be paid in two installments: the first on due in Lublin on the 5th of May, 1591, the other one on the 24th of June, 1591 r. The second installment is to be reduced by 2000 zlotys, which sum is directed to Jews of Poznań and others affected by the fire
Archive: The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw
Fond: Crown Metrica (Metryka Koronna)
Reference Number: AGAD, MK, nr 136, s. 132v-133
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 14.03.1591
Place of origin: Warszawa
Geographical names: Lublin, Poznan (Poznań), Warsaw (Warszawa)
Surnames: Zygmunt III Waza
Regesty: Bersohn, Dyplomataryusz, dok. 198, 547; J. Morgensztern, Regesty, nr 1.