Act of execution of the decree of the Radom tribunal in Brody

Act of execution of the decree of the Radom treasury tribunal of 24 May 1752 (judgment in absentia imposed on Berko Rabinowicz and Joś Lejbowicz, marshals of Ruthenian Jews, and Chaim Marek Rabinowicz, general scribe) regarding the excessive burden on kahals in their allocation, at the request of Michał Rzewuski, the Crown field scribe and heir to the estates of Chodorów, Rozdół, Brzozdowce, and Kniehynicze. The execution was rejected by Berko Rabinowicz and Joś Lejbowicz, who claimed that they knew nothing about the lawsuit and judgment in absentia, and by Marek Rabinowicz, who claimed that for several years he was not a general scribe; therefore, the case was sent back to the treasury tribunal.

Archive: Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv
Fond: Lviv castle court files (Księgi grodzkie lwowskie)
Reference Number: CGIA Lwów, Fond 9, op. 1, sp. 564, s. 1465-1468
Language: Latin, Polish
Creation Date: 03.06.1752
Place of origin: Brody
Geographical names: Berezdiwci (Ukraine), Brody, Ivano-Frankivsk (Stanisławów), Khodoriv, Kniahynychi, Lviv (Lwów), Rozdil, Zhydachiv (Żydaczów)

Oblatował Michał Napierski  w aktach grodzkich lwowskich 5 VI 1752.

Published: Żydowski samorząd ziemski w Koronie (XVII -XVIII wiek). Źródła, wstęp i oprac. A. Kaźmierczyk, P. Zarubin, Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2019, pp. 541-544.