Lawsuit to the tax tribunal against the land elders of Krakow and Sandomierz concerning the excessive poll tax imposed on the Jews from Nowy Wiśnicz

Stanisław Lubomirski, the Grand Guard of the Crown and heir of the Wiśnicz estate, together with the Wiśnicz elders, sues Nochem Samuelowicz [Nochym Salomonowicz] the land marshal, the brothers Akiel Wolfowicz [Haskiel Landau] and Józef Wolfowicz [Landau], Izak Księski, Saul,a rabbi from Nowy Korczyn, Józef, a rabbi from Chęciny and Izak, the general land writer i.e. the land elders of Kraków and Sandomierz, to the tax tribunal in a case concerning the excessive poll tax imposed on the Jews from Nowy Wiśnicz.
Archive: The National Archives in Krakow
Fond: Krakow castle court files
Reference Number: ANKr, CCR 186, s. 774-776
Language: Latin
Creation Date: 26.03.1754
Place of origin: Radom
Geographical names: Checiny, Książ Wielki, Nowy Korczyn, Nowy Wisnicz, Radom, Wodzisław
Pozew złożono w Wodzisławiu dnia wczorajszego w domu Nochyma Salomonowicza starszego wodzisławskiego, a zarazem marszałka ziemstwa krakowsko-sandomierskiego.