Lawsuit to the tax tribunal against the land elders of Krakow and Sandomierz concerning the excessive poll tax imposed on the Jews from Szczekociny

Jasek, Herszlik and Szajka, the elders of Szczekociny, sue Israel Pińczowski, Joachym Wodzisławski and Icyk Opoczyński (the land elders of Krakow and Sandomierz) to the tax tribunal in Radom for not taking into account the poor condition of the community in Szczekociny, which was affected by a fire, or its debt to lay people and the clergy, and for imposing excessive tax on this community in their tariff.
Archive: The National Archives in Krakow
Fond: Krakow castle court files
Reference Number: ANKr, CCR 185, s. 483-485
Language: Latin
Creation Date: 16.02.1753
Place of origin: Radom
Geographical names: Opoczno, Pińczów, Radom, Wodzisław
Pozew błędnie zaadresowany do gminy wodzisławskiej i złożony w Wodzisławiu 22 II 1753 w domu "Marszałka", starszego wodzisławskiego.