Royal Law of Privilege including Fishel Lewkowicz among royal servitors

King Jan III Sobieski issued privilege for Fishel Lewkowicz (Fishel bar Arie Lejb) in which he included him among the royal servitors. King allowed him to settle down wherever he pleased, as well as to build a distillery and a malting plant in Włodzimierz. The King has also exempted Lewkowicz from the jurisdiction of all courts, with the exception of royal court and marshal court.

Archive: Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv
Fond: Wlodzimierz castle court files (Księgi grodzkie włodzimierskie)
Reference Number: CGIA Kijów, Fond 28, op. 1, sp. ​134, s. 1045r-1046r
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 19.04.1689
Place of origin: Warszawa
Geographical names: Volodymyr-Volynsky (Włodzimierz Wołyński), Warsaw (Warszawa)
Oblatowali w aktach grodzkich włodzimierskich 18 V 1689 Lejba Kielmanowicz szkolnik i Morduchaj Henichowicz Żydzi włodzimierscy, na s. 1045r na marginesie podpis hebrajski. Por. Sejm Czterech Ziem, dok. 38, Konfirmacja Augusta II [inna data dokumentu Jana III, 23 IV 1689].