Decree of Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł regarding Pinchas Abramowicz, the marshal of the Ruthenian land

After an investigation by designated commissioners, Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł orders to bring Pinchas Abramowicz along with his messenger and Litman to Łachwa, where he will decide about the penalty for breaking the terms of the privilege (instrument) for the office of the marshal of the land. Before arriving in Łachwa, Pinchas is to swear an oath that he had not signed a plenipotence on incurring debt with Józef Ossoliński by the land (galil) of Ruthenia. In addition, he recommends that the land receives 75 ducats from the Tarnopol rabbi, which were intended to pay the consensus for the rabbi of the land. The newly-proclaimed land rabbi is prohibited from interfering in matters belonging to his kahals until the rabbi receives the instrument from him. Finally, he imposes a fine of 400 zlotys on Józef, the rabbi of Gródek for signing the plenipotency without his consent.
Archive: National Historical Archives of Belarus in Minsk
Fond: Archive of Radziwill Family (Fond 694)
Reference Number: NHAB, Fond 694, op. 4, sp. 1019, s. 3r-4r
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 06.03.1754
Place of origin: b.m.
Geographical names: Jarosław, Lviv (Lwów), Ruthenia, Zhovkva (Ukraine)
Published: Żydowski samorząd ziemski w Koronie (XVII -XVIII wiek). Źródła, wstęp i oprac. A. Kaźmierczyk, P. Zarubin, Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2019, pp. 561-564.