Manifestation by the plenipotentiary of the Sanguszko dukes

Manifestation by Stanisław Tomkiewicz, the plenipotentiary on behalf of Paweł Karol Sanguszko, Lithuanian marshal of the court, and his son Janusz Aleksander, the heir of the entailed estate of Ostróg, as well as Franciszek Goski, governor of Ostróg, on the readiness to fulfill (in accordance with an earlier manifestation) the judgment of the court of the voivodship of Volhynia from the 10th June 1733 in the case between the cavalry units of St.Poniatowski, voivode of Masovia, M. Mycielski, castellan of Kiev, A.Trypolski, chamberlain of Kiev and the Sanguszko dukes, and St.W.Jabłonowski, the starost of Biała Cerkiew concerning the payment of the overdue orders of payment. Tomkiewicz claimed that the Jews inhabiting the Sanguszko part had paid their entire part, i.e. half of the due payment, and the only remaining payment is the order of payment for Józef Pietruszewski, Cupbearer of Mielnik, deputy of the cavalry unit of the castellan of Kalisz, half of which they are ready to pay (along with the presentation of the sum).

Archive: Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kyiv
Fond: Lutsk castle court files (Księgi grodzkie łuckie)
Reference Number: CGIA Kijów, Fond 25, op. 1, sp. 451, s117r-118r
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 25.06.1733
Place of origin: Łuck
Geographical names: Lutsk, Ostroh (Ostróg)