Lawsuit to the castle court office of Lublin for the landlords of the landed property of Bełżyce and the elders of Bełżyce concerning the return of a horse and armaments

Kacper Kośmiński, the treasurer of Łomża and a companion of the armoured cavalry unit of Jan Tarło, the voivode of Sandomierz, on behalf of himself and the whole unit, sues to the castle court office of Lublin the landlords of the landed property of Bełżyce, Stefan and Aleksander Gałęzowski – the sons, and heirs of the late Felicjan Gałęzowski from Targowisko, the Castellan of Lublin (then the Starost of the region of Wąwolnice) and his spouse, Marianna Gałęzowska nee Głuska, and the current Castellan of Lublin, Maciej Suchodolski, (their legal guardian), Mikołaj Janowski, a Lublin official, as well as the present Starost of Wąwolnice and Oświęcim, Adam Małachowski, and the elders of Bełżyce in a case concerning the judgment of the Radom tax tribunal of the 12th June1741, and demands the payment of the overdue pay as well as a return to him of a horse of a leopard coat pattern worth 10 Hungarian reds, and of 7 brass and 6 iron muskets, half-armour, fox skins which were detained and not given back to him by the wife of the previous Castellan of Lublin, and mother of the then minor Gałęzowski brothers.
Archive: The State Archive in Lublin
Fond: Lublin castle court files (Księgi grodzkie lubelskie)
Reference Number: APL, CLRMO 282, s. 1284, 1285
Language: Latin
Creation Date: 03.08.1741
Place of origin: Lublin
Geographical names: Bełżyce, Głusk (ob. dziel. Lublina), Lublin, Oswiecim (Auschwitz), Sandomierz, Wąwolnica

Pierwsza kopia pozwu doręczona przeciwko staroście wąwolnickiego Małachowskiemu 4 VIII 1741 do wsi Kowel do rąk gubernatora, a druga 5 VIII 1741 przeciw rodzinie Gałęzowskich do rąk pisarza prowentowego w Bełżycach. W księgach grodzkich lubelskich oblatował 8 VIII 1741 woźny Szymon Taramas. Starostą lubelskim oraz wojewodą mazowieckim był wówczas Stanisław Poniatowski, h. Ciołek.