A decree by the Crown elders on the Przemyśl community

The Four Lands’ Council issues a decree ordering the Przemyśl community to repay the debt of 3,500 zlotys incurred in 1682 at the church of Holy Virgin Maria of the Jesuit College in Jarosław, according to the discounts granted by the creditor. In 1701, the Jews in Przemyśl owed 1,000 zlotys for interest due and in 1717 this amount grew to a total of 6,343 zlotys. Taking into consideration the difficult situation of the debtors, the Jesuit College reduces the interest due to a sum of 2,000 zlotys which the Przemyśl Jews were to repay beginning in 1720 in weekly installments of 4 zlotys, 15 groshen, with another 4 zlotys, 15 groshen as commission on the principal. In order to enable them to discharge this pledge, the Four Lands’ Council reduced their share of the poll tax so that they could repay the debt, but should they fail to abide by the conditions of this pledge, their poll tax discount will be withdrawn and in addition they will be excommunicated and the Jesuit College will be entitled to put seals on their stores without resorting to judicial procedure
Archive: The National Archives in Krakow
Fond: Teki Antoniego Schneidra
Reference Number: ANKr, Teki Schneidra 674, s. 363-364
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 01.11.1717
Place of origin: Jarosław
Geographical names: Jarosław, Przemyśl
Surnames: Taczanowski Rafał
Published: Sejm Czterech Ziem. Źródła, eds. J.Goldberg and A. Kaźmierczyk, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2011, p. 211-212