Letter by Karol Sedlnicki, Treasurer of the Crown, to Michał Kazimierz Radziwiłł

The Treasurer vouches for Pinchas, the rabbi of Świerz, a trustee of the Jews, emphasizing the services he rendered to Michał Kazimierz Radzwiłł.

Archive: The Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw
Fond: Radziwills' Warsaw Archive
Reference Number: AGAD, AR V, 14144, p. 31
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 05.09.1758
Place of origin: Konstantynów
Geographical names: Konstantynów, Swirz, Zhovkva (Ukraine)
Published: Sejm Czterech Ziem. Źródła, do druku przygotowali J. Goldberg i A. Kaźmierczyk, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2011, s. 385