Resolution of the elders of the Chełm land and the Bełz voivodeship establishing the office of scribes and explaining the procedure for receiving tax deputies

The elders of Chełm-Bełz, gathered at the regional council in Waręż, appointed the land scribes: Irsz Samsonowicz, the general scribe of the Crown Jews and Gerszon Doktorowicz, the scribe of Bełz, the responsible for issuing tax allocation to deputies for individual kahals of the land, based on an allocation bearing the countersignature of the land rabbi. The scribes were obliged to keep tax books registering contributions for individual kahals, as well as to settle financial accounts and determine the size of tariff for each community, taking into account the need to repay loans drawn by the lands. The land elders declared that the land marshal had no right to interrupt the scribes or demand money from them, and they themselves promised to take their dispositions into account. The elders stated that the scribes are not subject to any poviat contributions, and the assignees and the noble creditors who have claims to lands should not enforce them on scribes. In the event of the non-fulfillment of tax assignments by the communities, the aggrieved military deputies should demand from the scribes the issuance of new, substitute assignments only when they have proved that the previous amounts had not been paid to them. It was agreed that the salary of scribes and the costs incurred would be included in the account of tax receivables of the land submitted to the Crown Treasury, which was approached for approval of the resolution.
Archive: Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Lviv, The State Archive in Lublin
Fond: Belz castle court files (Księgi grodzkie bełskie), Grabowiec castle court files (Księgi grodzkie grabowieckie)
Reference Number: APL, Grabowieckie RMO 100, s. 1670-1673, CGIA Lwów, Fond 1, op. 1, sp. 288, s. 95-98
Language: Polish
Place of origin: Waręż
Geographical names: Belz (Bełz), Grabowiec, Szczebrzeszyn, Tarnogród, Turobin, Variazh (Ukraine), Zamosc

A: APL, Grabowieckie RMO 100, s. 1670-1673. Tyt.: Bełzen[sium], Chełmen[sium] Judaeorum scripti oblata. Oblatował w aktach grodzkich grabowieckich 29 XI 1694 Icko Lejzorowicz arendarz grabowiecki; B: CDIAL, Fond 1, op. 1, sp. 288, s. 95-98. Tyt.: Ex parte infidelis
Gierszon scripti oblata. W księgach grodzkich bełskich oblatowano 24 I 1695 na życzenie pisarza generalnego Żydów ziemi chełmskiej i województwa bełskiego Gierszona Doktorowicza.

Published: Żydowski samorząd ziemski w Koronie (XVII -XVIII wiek). Źródła, wstęp i oprac. A. Kaźmierczyk, P. Zarubin, Księgarnia Akademicka, Kraków 2019, pp. 280-292.