Universal of Jan Andrzej Morsztyn, Crown Treasurer

The Grand Treasurer of the Crown, Jan Andrzej Morsztyn, informs that the convocation Sejm imposed on all Jews in the Crown over 10 years of age a general poll tax, which should be paid in accordance with the provisions of the constitution, and not according to the tariff from 1662.

Archive: The State Archive in Poznan (APP)
Fond: Poznan castle court files (Księgi grodzkie poznańskie)
Reference Number: APP, Poznańskie Gr. 1231, s. 223rv
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 15.04.1674
Place of origin: Warszawa
Geographical names: Poznan (Poznań), Warsaw (Warszawa)

Introduced  5 V 1678 r. in castle court records by Abram Aleksandrowicz szkolnik ("minister scholae Judaicae"). Extract from Warsaw castle court, Universal introduced  25 IV 1674 r. byMojżesz Markowicz syndic of Crown Jews.

See. Volumina Legum, t. V, s. 222. Constitution on "subsidium charitativum generale" did not mentioned Jews http://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/applet?mimetype=image%2Fx.djvu&sec=false&handler=djvu_html5&content_url=%2FContent%2F65094%2Fdirectory.djvu&p=121