Decree by the Four Lands’ Council in Rzeszów in the case of the elders of Kazimierz and Mendel of Poznań

Izrael Liberman, syndic, oblates the decree from the Four Lands’ Council congress in Rzeszów regarding the debts of Cracow Jews due to Mendel of Poznań. Since Mendel contested the verdict of the arbitrary tribunal of rabbis, which ruled that the Jews of Kazimierz are to pay the debt in ten annual installments, he falls under all penalties due for verdict violation, and the Jews of Kazimierz are excused from repaying the debt until Mendel’s expiation.
Archive: The National Archives in Krakow
Fond: Krakow castle court files
Reference Number: ANKr, CCR 89, s. 443-445
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 07.02.1662
Place of origin: Rzeszów
Geographical names: Chełm (Chelm), Cracow (Kraków), Lutsk, Lviv (Lwów), Poznan (Poznań), Przemyśl, Rzeszów, Tarnogród, Warsaw (Warszawa)
Źródło: Oblata w aktach grodzkich krakowskich w dn. 17 III 1662 r. Tyt.: Oblata decreti inter seniores Judaeos Cracovienses et infidum Mendel Judaeum Posnaniensem. Druk: Sejm Czterech Ziem. Źródła, do druku przygotowali J. Goldberg i A. Kaźmierczyk, Wydawnictwo Sejmowe, Warszawa 2011, s. 185-186, dok. 90.