Adam Niesiołowski to Jan Królikiewicz

Niesiołowski informs that the Jews from Brzeżany went to Warsaw with a supplication, among others with a complaint against the land elders, and asks for support of their postulates, such as the complaint against the Ruthenian land elders; he also writes that previously he had received a condemnata in the Radom tribunal against the Ruthenian land elders for the excessive burdening of the Jews from Brzeżany


Archive: The Czartoryski Library in Krakow
Reference Number: BC 5901, s.151-153
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 17.07.1730 - 17.07.1730
Place of origin: Brzeżany
Geographical names: Berezhany, Warsaw (Warszawa)
Surnames: Królikiewicz Jan